Super Easy Loom Knitting Instructions

The five amazing Girl Scouts in my troop have chosen to focus on Project Linus for their Bronze Award. And I am so excited that my co-leader and I get to teach these girls how to make blankets. Knit (both with needles and loom), crocheting, machine sewing... it's going to be so much fun!

Our Girl Scout parents will inevitably have questions about the processes of making blankets since the girls have to do most of the work on their own time. Our noble goals do *not* include making parents insane as they try to figure out something they've never attempted before and possibly don't even care to do.

So here, dear parents and other Delicious Readers who may want to learn, you'll find step-by-step directions, complete with photos, to help guide you through the process.

**Girl Scouts: You need to knit squares. Measure the length of your loom from first peg to last peg. For example, if your loom is 10 inches long, knit a 10 inch square.** 

I'm asking the girls to do squares for two reasons... 1) to help avoid boredom and 2) so they can have their work in many of the blankets we'll create. Here are the Project Linus guidelines for approximate sizes.

Neo-Natal: 24” x 26”
Baby: 36" x 38”
Child: 38” x 48”

I will attach the squares to one another, making sure that the final blanket sizes are in the vicinity of the guidelines.

Have fun and if you have any questions at all, please email!

Loom Knitting

This is a really easy process, so don't let the length of instruction below scare you. I just wanted to be as specific as possible.

For a baby blanket, use two skeins of yarn simultaneously.

Step 1: Line up the ends of both skeins of yarn. Make a slip knot: leaving a 6 in. tail, wrap yarn around your left finger twice. Pull left line of yarn over the right line. Pull the new left line over the new right line. Pull up on the strand that’s now on the left and slide your finger out of the loop. Tug below the knot to tighten it.

Step 2: Slide your loop onto the bottom left peg of the loom. (It doesn’t matter which side of the loom is right or left.) Dangle the end of the yarn through the middle of the loom.

Step 3: Pull your working yarn to the peg straight across and loop it around the peg from right to left.

Step 4: Pull the yarn back to the side you started on, crossing over the yarn bridge you made. Slide the yarn between the second and third pegs and wrap it around the second peg.

Step 5: Stretch the yarn to the opposite side, sliding it between the second and third pegs. Wrap it around the second peg. (You’re making a Figure 8 pattern.) Wind the yarn in the Figure 8 pattern around all the loops until you reach the end of the loom.

Step 6: Loop the last peg twice. Hold the yarn taut with one hand and push the yarn on the other pegs down to the base of the loom.

Step 7: Pull the yarn directly across to the other side of the loom and wrap around the peg. (Do NOT cross the yarn bridge already there!) Loop the peg and follow the same Figure 8 pattern all the way back to the opposite end of the loom.

Step 8: Hold the yarn taut. Look at the loom from the side. You’ll see two loops on each peg. Use your loom hook to life the bottom loop of yarn over the top loop and off the end of the peg. Now you can let go of your working yarn. (The first side you lift up and over will feel tight. The second side will feel loose. This is normal.)

Step 9: Repeat steps 7 & 8 until you’re ready to release your blanket from the loom. Clip the working yarn, leaving a 6” tail.

Step 10: Starting at the end of the loom that does *not* have the working yarn, lift the loop from the peg with the hook or your fingers. Slide the loop onto a crochet hook. While holding that, pull off the yarn from the peg directly across from the now empty peg and slide it onto the crochet hook as well.  Pull the first loop you put on your crochet hook over the second one and off the end of the hook. Do this on alternate sides until no more loops remain on the pegs.

Step 11: Pull the working yarn tail through the final loop and tighten the knot it creates. Use a large needle to weave the tails into the blanket.

You’re Done! (Now send me a picture!)