Coupons! Savings! Free Money! Free stuff!
Life is good when you take a few minutes here to work the system and get free (or close it) food, toiletries and household items.
Before I go any further, though, let me just emphasize this important message...
This amount of savings you'll reap is totally worth the time you put into it!!!
So here's what you'll find on this newest page of Delicious as Pie...
- links to money-saving sites
- up close and personal accounts of my savings
- even more personal listings of my grocery store/Target budget and how I stay on it (or not)
I'm hoping for accountability on that last one there. Anyone want to do it with me?
Jan 3, 2010
Target: $9.84
Groceries: $100.32
Headed out to Target this am to do a major grocery shop. Turned into a small shop when I inconveniently left my list and my beloved coupons on my desk.
Now if I'd just gone to the Target up the street, I would have turned around and come home for the coupons. But I was at the Super-Target 12 miles away. Not comin' home.
So the big shop became a small one and one errand turned into two as I dropped off the first set of groceries, grabbed my coupons and went to the Target a mile down the road.
In the end, I didn't mind the inconvenience so much since my only purchases had coupons. I paid $3.75 for:
2 boxes Kraft Mac n' Cheese
1 bag Kraft shredded mozzarella
2 envelopes tuna
1 box Kashi cereal
Cool, huh?
Deliciously Free in December!
3 boxes Swiss Miss hot chocolate $10 free Walgreen's merchandise Goody hair bands (12 ct.) Activ-On muscle relief 2 rolls Hallmark wrapping paper 3 Zhu zhu pets 1 tube Cortaid (4 oz) 4 boxes Hershey's Pot of Gold Chocolates (10 oz) |
Total savings: $78!!!
Deliciously Free in January!
Rimmel Extra Super Lash mascara (full size)
1 bottle Finesse hairspray (10.5 oz)
2 bottles Vitamin D (100 ct)
2 packs Orbit gum
1 tube Tylenol Precise
2 boxes Special K granola (19 oz.)
Go! Kids gummy vitamins (60 ct.)
Breathe Right nasal strips (10 ct.)
$3.50 in CVS merchandise
Tone Body Wash (12 oz.)
Total savings: $60!!!