Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Singing Grocery Man

I was bent over the bananas yesterday trying to find a bunch that might actually ripen this week. A man walked behind me singing out loud (and I am *not* kidding you) "It's time to get groceries, groceries, groceries..." His voice faded as he walked past.

Assuming he was singing to baby, I looked up to peak at it. But...

there was no baby!

Nor a toddler.

Nor a child.

All he had was a basket for his groceries.

Maybe he was thinking that if he sang to them like one sings to a plant, they might grow and he would need fewer items? Is that a new way to reduce the monthly grocery tab? I might just have to try it.

o/' It's time to get conditioner, baggies, a shredder... o/' (Ok, so I'm going to Target instead of Freddie's.)


Unknown said...

My mom had a schedule and she never varied from it. Mondays and Thursdays were cleaning, laundry and change the sheets days; Friday was supermarket day; Wednesday and Thursday she could do other things, like take me to the beach (in summer of course). During summers, I was also pressed into household duties. Mother was finished by the time I got home from school(about 3:15)and I'd find her sitting in the living room, bathed and dressed (no house dress), wearing her pearls (pop-its), and reading the Saturday Evening Post. Dinner would be prepared and often, the table set. Saturdays were generally saved for those chores needing help from the family, e.g. washing windows. I have never ever been able to set a schedule and keep to it, perhaps because her's was so rigid.

Kate said...

I'm so glad to see a comment from you! Thank you!