Friday, June 26, 2009

I survived Crunch Time.

Not sure how, except for the constant movement of time and the grace of God.

I knew heading in that the past two weeks would be insane. There was little I could do ahead of time to ease the stress, so it was just a matter of jumping in with both feet and getting through it.

Buying a new car
Product launch at work (which we're still working on)
Landlords visiting/trying to keep the house clean
Creating my book proposal (again, still working on)
End of school: celebrations, half days, concerts, teacher gifts, etc.
Organizing the week away away Scott and I have planned for our anniversary in July
Girl Scouts: bridging, finishing up financial reports
Finding and hiring a contractor for the MI house

And the list goes on. And on.

Last night I had a little bit of a breakdown. Exhaustion, I guess, coupled with frustration over work, got the best of me. Giving myself permission to sleep in this morning, I went to sleep and didn't wake up till almost 11am!

I feel so. Much. Better! Human again. The girls are in great moods, the weather is nice and I'm not pressuring myself about work. Yes, I will be working this afternoon, but I'm not going to let it get the best of me.

And as an added bonus to the end of the week... it's the biggest Disney Channel night of the year!
(If you'd like, feel free to imagine my as an over-excited preteen. LOL) The Princess Protection Program premiers! Selena Gomez and Demi Lavato! **Insert high pitched scream here** LOL

The girls are so excited, so we're planning a family movie night. And then the weekend is fairly clear. Phew!

Hope all you Delicious Readers have a fantastic weekend as well!

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